7 habits of highly effective people audiobook free Downlod


Book summary :

Stephen R. Covey was an advocate for an educational philosophy that prepares students for success in today's global marketplace and effective citizenship in tomorrow's communities and nations. Covey has taught millions of people from all walks of life how to high-effectively communicate, collaborate and make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of truth and a quest for improving himself and others. Covey teaches that there are "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" that can help you achieve any goal and live your life with meaning and purpose.

This #1 bestselling book by Stephen R. Covey, is one of the most life-changing and eye-opening books you will ever read. It was written to help people become more effective in their lives and improve their relationships, business and beyond. This book will help you understand why some people are more effective than others and how you can become one of them.

INtroduction : 

   7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audiobook: A Complete Summary

A Summary of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audiobook by Stephen R. Covey This best-selling book of all time teaches you what it takes to achieve success and satisfaction in your work and personal life, in seven lessons that are as simple as they are effective. If you want to live more with peace and harmony and less stress and frustration, this audiobook summary can be your guidebook to making changes in your life today. Here’s what you’ll learn from reading the complete summary of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audiobook by Stephen R. Covey: 1.

I. Be proactive :

      An active, go-getter attitude will take you far in life. Always be thinking about what you can do to get ahead and succeed—or even just make your own personal life a little better. Don’t sit around and wait for things to happen; it rarely works out in your favor. Be ready to seize opportunities as they arise, but always remember that those opportunities are rarely free—you’ll have to put in some elbow grease if you want them. (Read Getting Things Done .)

 If you’re a new hire at a company, make yourself visible. Participate in projects; offer suggestions for improvements; ask about your coworkers’ personal lives. This will get you noticed by people above you and help put you on a fast track to career success. In fact, those who work hard and promote themselves are often rewarded with salary increases before others because they look like strong future candidates for promotion. When was your last raise? If it was more than six months ago, it may be time to sit down with your boss again—and remind him or her how valuable you are to the company!

II. Begin with the end in mind : 

     The second habit is probably best explained in Stephen Covey’s popular book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This one goes into detail about how having a clear vision for yourself, and your life in general, will serve as an important stepping stone for you to reach whatever goals you may have. If you don’t know where you want to go, how can you expect to get there? Successful people like Bill Gates and Barack Obama spent years thinking about their visions for themselves before becoming successful. The way they did it was by taking out a blank sheet of paper and writing down everything they wanted to accomplish in life, including personal things and professional goals.

 If you’re struggling to figure out what your vision is, try figuring out what a life without any worries would look like. That might sound cheesy, but just stop and imagine being able to do whatever you want without having to worry about how you’re going to afford it. Take note of everything that pops into your head so that you can use it as an actual blueprint for what you want in life. You can add or take away from it as necessary—it doesn’t have to be set in stone—but starting with a concrete vision will make getting there easier.

III. Put first things first : 

     Oftentimes, our daily life requires juggling between work, friends and family. But as Stephen Covey explains in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People audiobook, priorities must be respected. He uses a simple exercise to show how critical it is to put first things first when we have so many demands from all sides. Taking time to manage your life properly is key for having more energy and self-discipline. This will allow you to perform at your best even if you’re very busy. Listening and taking notes while reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People audiobook can give you a clearer view on how successful people live their lives.

      Covey states that putting first things first means exercising discipline and avoiding procrastination. It also implies that we shouldn’t confuse priorities with responsibilities. When prioritizing, we should list our activities and then ask ourselves if each activity serves a purpose or is it just another task in our long to-do list? As Covey points out, before prioritizing, it is important to understand your roles and goals as a human being, as well as those of your family members and employers. You need to accept that time has an end and you’ll never be able to do everything or have everything at once. However, you can always strive for progress while thinking long-term.

IV. Think win-win : 

    Think win-win means that you’re always thinking of ways to make everyone else happy. This is a critical habit, as it gets you out of your own head and focused on others instead. That focus will get you more connections, and more professional happiness. Think about how you can help your coworkers be more successful, and look for ways to do things for them first.

   Doing things for other people isn’t always comfortable. When we don’t think about our own interests first, we have to go outside our comfort zone and get out of our own heads. This may mean that you have to do something you don’t want to do in order to make someone else happy, but being a team player is a great way to improve your work life. If a coworker has an especially rough day, for example, offer to take over some extra work for them. Sometimes all it takes is noticing that someone else needs help and giving them a little boost in their time of need.

V. Seek first to understand, then to be understood :

    This is not about a technique for persuasive speaking or writing. This is about something much more fundamental. It’s about respecting other people as human beings and honoring their point of view. In short, it’s one of those things that make you an appealing human being to be around – especially if you also possess eloquence, curiosity, open-mindedness, humility and honesty. These eight habits don’t guarantee any particular outcome in your relationships with others. But they will make your relationships richer and more meaningful – without fail.

    Be a good listener. If you take in what others say, reflect on it and respond to it thoughtfully, you communicate that you value them as people and as equals. You show that you respect their point of view. They’ll notice, even if they don’t say so right away. They might even feel valued enough to seek first to understand you before trying to be understood themselves – which is exactly what you want them to do. Indeed, if your relationships are important enough to you, making other people feel valued may be one of your top priorities – even if they don’t seem quite as significant or worthy of attention in return at first glance.

VI. Synergize : 

    The Impact of Communication on Business Relationships Synergy is a big word with a big concept behind it. The definition, according to Merriam-Webster, is an interaction that takes place between two or more organizations (or companies or businesses) that produces benefits greater than those expected by simple addition. Merriam-Webster goes on to define synergy as a noun meaning the interaction and coordination of people and groups working together toward a common goal. Today we will be exploring ways in which we can maximize our interactions in business settings so that everyone involved can benefit from their cooperation.

  The reason it is so important to consider synergy between workers and groups in business is because of another concept, one you have likely heard before - Pareto's Law. Developed by Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist and engineer in 1906, Pareto's Law states that in any given situation roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. What does that mean for us? Simply put, without cooperation we will only get about 20% out of our business relationships; with proper cooperation we can achieve up to four times as much.

VII. Sharpen the saw :

    The final step, and arguably most important one, is sharpening the saw. This refers to keeping your mind and body fit so that you can keep up with everything else in your life. There are many ways to do it. Find a way that fits into your schedule and be consistent with it. Maybe it’s meditation, maybe it’s exercise or simply going out for a walk during lunch hour; whatever works for you, do it regularly! When you keep up with these habits over time, you will begin to see results such as increased energy levels and happiness along with a greater ability to cope effectively with challenges and stress.

     With all these habits and skills in place, it’s hard to imagine not succeeding. If you stick with them, you will find that you are not only more effective but also happier as your life grows more satisfying. Put as much effort into each step of these habits as possible and work to balance each one out with its counterparts to reap their benefits. Remember that failure is not an option, so be patient and kind to yourself along your journey toward self-improvement and growth. Above all else, strive for excellence in all areas of your life by developing a growth mindset and regularly working on becoming a better person than you were yesterday!

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